Product placement:
the practice of a company paying for its product to be placed in a prominent position in a film or television programme as a form of advertising
Music videos contain large amounts of product Placement. Companies pay well known singers to have their product displayed in their latest music video. Hopping their brands get noticed in the video, they believe this association will help them to sell their products and being seen with the latest superstar will not only raise their profile but also their popularity. Some consumers will just buy products because their favorite star has been seen with them.

For example Beats By Dr Dre are in almost every music video. As you can clearly see in the pictures above all the celebrity's are posing with one of their products. The photo above is taken from Cheryl Coles' new video for her latest single 'Crazy Stupid Love' and you can clearly see the Beats Pill in the background. Product placement was at the beginning very subtitle, but now as it is big business the products have clear extreme close up for a long time. Celebrities are now being given the option whether to make their own headphones for Beats and then endorse them in their latest video.

In the video for the Saturdays 'Not Giving Up' they are seen entering and exiting in a new Citroen.

Britney is often seen in her music videos with her own brand of perfume.

Miley Cyrus is seen here in her music video for 'We Cant Stop' with a new EOS lip balm.

from J-Lo 'Live It Up' video she plugs many brands including Nokia

this diagram shows just how many products are in the music video for Lady Gagas' 'Telephone'

This again shows Britney with another brand for her video for 'Hold It Against Me'

in Christina Aguileras' video for 'Not Myself Tonight' she not only plugs her own perfume but sunglasses.

Smirnof vodka can be seen in the background for her video 'Give Me All Your Luvin'

J-LO can be seen in her music video for 'Pappi' driving in her new Fiat 500

Lily Allen can be seen promoting Polaroid and also Blue E-Cigarets.
Artists now write product placement into their own songs

Britney Spears song 'Work B**ch has lyrics including brands like Maserati and Lamborghini.

Avril Lavigne has even wrote a song based around a brand.
The music industry at the moment is suffering badly, it is now becoming increasingly difficult to create money from music. To combat this product placement is heavily used to create large amounts of money for the artist and the record company.