Friday, 28 November 2014

call me on the ouija board video-planning and reshearch

I have decided to create a video based around the track 'Call Me On The Ouija Board'.  I decided to do this to give myself a quick go at creating a music video and using editing software so I shall be used to it when I create my main music video.  This is a song created and performed by RuPauls  Drag Race season 4 winner Sharron Needles.  After listening to the song I really enjoyed the contrast between the happy eighties sounds and the dark subject matter.  After hearing the song I decided to give it a little research and found there already was a music video for the track.
contains strobing

In this video it uses classic/cult horror films as its inspiration.  Using such a dark theme of 18+ horror films it alienates younger viewers and can also be difficult to understand if you have never seen the films.  Although I really enjoy the intertextual references to the horror films (The exorcist, It, Poltergeist, Children of the corn) I think this could be the videos downfall as it raises the target audiences age and I feel for this happy sounding song it would not fit.

I also discover a 'behind the scenes' video

And a quick interview of Sharon Needles talking briefly about the song.

I have now decided to use the clown type look from the official video (from the film 'It') and try to create an overall creepy looking music video.  I have decided to use children's TV as an inspiration for my video and to create an video so happy it becomes disturbing.

Here is the video I have created.

I really enjoyed making this video.  I feel for a first go my video turned out well, looking at the video I feel I kept true to my idea and have created an overall creepy music video.  I especially like the tea party scene, it is very reminiscent of children's TV and so happy it is disturbing. 

Although I feel I have created a very good music video, I do also feel there are certain parts that could be improved.  For instance some of the lighting for the dance scenes is very dark, whereas the close ups of the two girls are very light and lose all the atmosphere the video had previously created.  I also would take more shots of the same scene from different angles, this would help to create an even faster video than I have already created.  

Overall I really enjoy the contrast between the happy eighties sound and happy looking faces compared to the dark subject matter of the song and the slightly scary makeup we were all wearing.

Overall it took approximately 1 hour to film and 4 hours to edit, this has now given me insight to how music videos are created and I believe it was approximately 5 hours well spent.